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    p.s. from celeste w.

    In publishing this post, I accidentally left off another safety point from Brit.

    Identify the blog only in general terms, e.g. "a blog by a group of middle school students in Nebraska" or "a project of a high school class in Miami."

    Jim Valentine


    On (the website of the UK's national volunteering database) we have a number of blogs, mainly featuring young bloggers. The aim is to encourage other people to volunteer and at the same time encourage and support young volunteers talking about their experiences.

    Couple of examples include our student volunteers blog -

    and our blog written by volunteers working overseas -

    Shaping Youth

    Hi! I'll have to thank Beth for giving us a shout out here at, where our nonprofit focuses on media/mktg.'s impact on kids.

    If you're interested specifically in UGC youth content, here are
    couple of interesting sites:

    1.) Our new nonprofit 'sister channel,' GACtv ( youth/athletes/teen activities such as their upcoming writing contest, etc. And their org encourages youth to voice views, submit poetry, etc...

    As you rightly say, they're using 'first names only and where they were born rather than towns/schools, etc. (though photos and thoughts abound)

    They've positioned the youth bloggers as 'stringers' for the org. See sample here:

    I think they could expand via social network on ning much easier for UGC content and simply "close" the group to "invite only" for safety if they wanted it to have an open forum/chat element with a moderated "friend filter" if need be.

    I highly recommend and NetFamilyNews for the latest in 'safety holes/issues' to spot check youth media.

    Here are all their links embedded in this article I wrote about safety/youth/cyberbullying etc.

    An example of a youth driven project on a global scale is a teen site with first names (and some schools listed, whether they're real names or not I'm uncertain) called "Project Global Cooling" out of Seoul, Korea.

    They're using social media on a Ning site to create student created/promoted/hosted concerts worldwide in LiveEarth/online streamed style for Earth Day '08.

    They're engaging green teens all over the world to participate, with teachers as collaborative helpers to spearhead the vision:

    And finally here's a FOR profit social entrepreneur hybrid model using contest/UGC content to "Be the change! Share the Story!" offering a $50K video contest to schools participating!

    It's called QuantumShiftTV, sort of a "YouTube with a social conscience"---I love the idea, and am hoping to partner/align for our own programs at Shaping Youth!!

    (and yes, blog guru Britt Bravo is the hat tip on that one too!)

    In fact, their CEO is staying here w/me this Friday when he visits the Bay Area!

    Excellent thought leaders & concept involved...

    Here's their school/youth contest info:

    Keep in touch! Best,Amy
    (founder/E.D., Shaping Youth)



    These are some excellent projects that are going on and offer some great resources for others who are looking to do similar efforts.

    My question: Did you get any feedback or does anyone involved with this post (Britt, Beth, etc.) of any gov't funded blog initiatitves created for youth? Government funded meaning by a local, state or national government agency...

    If so, please let me know. It'd be a great help.


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