In response to this post by Seth Godin on nonprofits and social media, I say this:
It's what I wrote in 2006, when Godin slammed nonprofits for not using his Web service, Squidoo.
Given the episode in 2006, plus Godin's response to Tom Watson about Squidoo, one can't help but wonder if the nonprofit execs that Godin cites in this week's post were rejecting Squidoo, rather than online fundraising and social media in general.
In fact, a friend from a large nonprofit told me his nonprofit was treated arrogantly by someone from Seth's company when they refused to get involved with Squidoo -- the nonprofit leaders were made to feel stupid.
And if we're talking about blowing people away, as Seth suggests, you know what would blow me away? Seth publishing a detailed report showing exact amounts raised by each nonprofit in the Squidoo program, along with case studies of the time and resources they expended. To my knowledge, detailed figures have never been published -- there are only vague statements about thousands raised.
If Seth wants nonprofits to change, and if he wants them to use his product, he should start with a thorough, transparent report on the uses and results of Squidoo.
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